Контактная информация

Бульвар Эркиндик 35, 720040, Бишкек.

Trainers Pavel Bannikov (Factcheck.KZ) and Yaroslav Tartykov (Factcheck.KG) will host a three-days’ workshop centered around fact-checking. This workshop will provide participants from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan with fact-checking, and data journalism key concepts, a comprehensive overview of the latest visual verification and fact-checking tools, and practical exercises on fact-checking.


Training session: Practice of manual and machine data collection and analysis

Training session: Social media platforms search – logics, new instruments, challenges and tips

Group work with mentors


Training session: Profiling — collecting data on individuals and legal entities

Training session: Building a personal cybersecurity model for a journalist

Training session: Storytelling: How can a fact checker tell a story?

Group work with mentors


Group work with mentors: finalizing media content production in groups

Presentation of media content projects, analysis and recommendations

Workshop result: production of 5 journalistic materials and publication on partner media platforms.

* The dates might change due to political or other circumstances in the region
