Three findings from three countries
Why is it important to monitor social media prior to elections?
In cooperation with our partners, we conducted monitoring of social media platforms to determine their impact on last year’s elections in Belarus, Moldova, and Kyrgyzstan. We asked three experts, who are also co-authors of the respective analyses, to introduce the three most interesting findings from each country.
Veronika Laputska of the East Center introduces three main findings of our media monitoring prior to the 2020 presidential election in Belarus. Did social media make a difference in the election? Is traditional or social media more important? Would revolt and solidarity among people be possible without social media? Watch Veronika’s responses in the video
Veronika Laputska, East Center
In case you would like to find out more about our monitoring in Belarus, you can also read our interim report, post-election statement or post-election report.
Livia Țurcanu of Mediapoint introduces three main findings of our social media monitoring prior to the 2020 presidential election in Moldova. Did the social media campaign win the election? What made the 2020 election different? Did you notice any disinformation targeting candidates? Watch Livia’s responses in the video
Livia Țurcanu, Mediapoint
In case you are interested to find out more about our findings in Moldova, here is our report published prior to the first round of the election, the report published prior to the runoff and the final report.
Nurjan Musaeva of Media Development Centre introduces three main findings of our media monitoring prior to the 2020 parliamentary elections in Kyrgyzstan. Are social media key to winning the elections? What did the monitoring show about social media? Watch Nurjan’s responses in the video
Nurjan Musaeva, Media Development Centre
To find out more about our monitoring in Kyrgyzstan, you can also read our report on the 2020 parliamentary elections as well as preliminary and final reports on the 2021 presidential election.
Rasťo Kužel of MEMO 98 explains why is it important to monitor social media during elections, why did MEMO 98 decide to focus on Belarus, Moldova and Kyrgyzstan as well as what did we learn in all three countries.
Rasťo Kužel, MEMO 98
We have been monitoring traditional media during elections for more than 22 years and in more than 50 countries. Since 2019, we have been monitoring social media in more than 15 countries. You can read here what initially motivated us to start researching the impact of social media on election processes.
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