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Директор проекта/Project Director, Internews, Бишкек

  • Директор проекта обеспечивает стратегическое руководство программы;
  • отвечает за координацию технической, юридической и профессиональной помощи партнерам и бенефициарам;
  • обеспечивает надлежащий контроль над персоналом Internews, финансовым менеджментом и администрацией.


  • По меньшей мере пять лет опыта работы в СМИ.
  • Предыдущий опыт в качестве активного медиаруководителя.
  • Опыт работы в Центральноазиатском регионе.
  • Знания в области охраны окружающей среды и природных ресурсов имеют важное значение.
  • Опыт управления проектами, финансируемыми ЕС, предпочтителен.
  • Сильные межличностные и коммуникативные навыки.
  • Знание английского и русского языков.
  • Приглашаются кандидаты из Казахстана, Кыргызстана и Таджикистана.

Более подробная информация — по ссылке или ниже.


Internews is seeking a Project Director candidate for an EU-funded program with the general goal of enhancing regional stability by ensuring citizens and policy-makers have access to reliable information about national and regional natural resource management and environmental issues. The Project Director will have overall supervision of the regional program, and oversight of activities to:

  • develop the technical and editorial capacity of media professionals to produce quality news and information about natural resources and the environment;
  • foster regional approaches to sharing and disseminating useful cross-border content; and
  • develop and deploy sustainable tools and platforms for locally-led cross-border collaboration and media production.

The Project Director will provide strategic guidance and leadership for the program; coordinate technical, legal and professional capacity building assistance to partners and beneficiaries; ensure proper oversight of Internews personnel, financial management and administration; and coordinate with other stakeholders in the region to ensure that Internews leverages other resources, avoids duplication and complements other media development initiatives.  The Project Director will also be responsible for establishing strong partnerships and dialogue with the appropriate donor representatives.

ESSENTIAL DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES include the following. Other duties may be assigned.

  • Provide leadership, management, representational and operational oversight of the regional project.
  • Provide strategic, operational and representational assistance to ensure that activities are meeting their goals and targets, recommending program adjustments when necessary to keep the project on track.
  • Cultivate and strengthen relationships with local partner organizations and ensure that implementation is responsive to the needs of partners and beneficiaries.
  • Track and report on project progress and activities against work plans on a monthly basis.
  • Oversee program monitoring and evaluation in the region to ensure effective implementation and to measure the impact of activities.
  • Maintain a thorough knowledge of media, environmental and natural resource issues in the region, and a general understanding of the challenges and opportunities facing independent media and civil society organizations across the region.
  • Ensure the project is in compliance with all grant and cooperative agreement rules, requirements and regulations as well as with Internews’ internal policies and procedures.
  • Serve as the primary budget authority over the project, responsible for ensuring all costs charged to the project are allowable, reasonable and correctly allocated.
  • Provide management and oversight of daily operations.
  • Accept fiduciary responsibility for all funds advanced for the purpose of the project.
  • Carry out supervisory responsibilities in accordance with Internews’ policies and applicable laws.
  • Carry out management responsibilities including interviewing, hiring, and training employees; planning, assigning, and directing work; addressing complaints and resolving problems.
  • Maintain regular communications with Internews headquarters staff to communicate progress on programming and address upcoming issues in advance.


Manage and oversee all project staff in the region. Carry out supervisory responsibilities in accordance with the organization’s policies and applicable laws. Responsibilities include interviewing, hiring, and training employees; planning, assigning, and directing work; appraising performance; addressing complaints and resolving problems.


  • At least five years of progressively responsible experience in media development and/or environmental journalism.
  • Previous experience as a proactive program manager with a strong reputation for developing excellent collaborative working relationships with counterparts, local and international organizations and donors.
  • Long-term, overseas media development experience preferably in the Eurasia region, working experience and knowledge of Central Asia is essential.
  • A successful track record in supervising, managing and implementing technical assistance for donor-funded media projects and proven ability to develop and monitor work plans, training plans, and procurement plans.
  • Experience as a manager or trainer with professional capacity-building programs for journalists and media outlets, strong knowledge of new media preferred.
  • Knowledge of journalism and NGO good practices in the field of the environment and natural resources is essential.
  • Demonstrated mentoring abilities and experience supporting staff.
  • Experience managing EU-funded projects is strongly preferred.
  • Strong interpersonal and communication skills.
  • English and Russian fluency required, local language skills are highly desirable.
  • National candidates from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan are encouraged to apply.


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