Categories: Новости


The National Endowment for Democracy Invites Fellowship Applications for 2011–2012 .

Program: The Reagan-Fascell Democracy Fellows Program is an international exchange program that offers practitioners, scholars, and journalists from around the world the opportunity to spend five months at the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), in Washington DC, in order to undertake independent research on democracy in a particular country or region. While in residence, fellows reflect on their experiences; engage with counterparts; conduct research and writing; consider best practices and lessons learned; and develop professional relationships within a global network of democracy advocates.

Support: Located within NED’s International Forum for Democratic Studies, the program provides a rich intellectual setting for educational exchange and professional development. The Forum also publishes the Journal of Democracy, holds conferences, and provides access to NED’s library. The program offers the support of a research associate and facilitates fellows’ outreach to Washington’s advocacy, media, academic, and policy communities. All fellowships include a monthly stipend, health insurance, and roundtrip travel reimbursement. The program does not provide financial assistance for accompanying family or other dependents.

Participation: The program runs two five-month fellowship sessions per year, during which fellows work full time on their projects. Practitioners focus on strategies and best practices for developing democracy in their country of interest; scholars conduct original research for publication. Projects may address the economic, political, social, legal, or cultural aspects of democratic development and include a range of methodologies and approaches. The program hosts an active calendar of events for fellows, including an introduction to NED and its partner institutions, seminars, roundtables, and other activities. Fellows are expected to present their work and prepare a written product during their stay.

Eligibility: While the program is intended primarily for individuals from developing and aspiring democracies, distinguished scholars from the United States and other established democracies are eligible to apply. Practitioners and journalists are expected to have substantial work experience in their fields, while scholars are expected to have a Ph.D., or academic equivalent, at the time of application. The program does not fund professional training, fieldwork, or students working toward a degree. A working knowledge of English is required.

Dates: Fall Session: October 2011–February 2012; Spring Session: March–July 2012.

Application: To apply, visit The application deadline is Monday, November 1, 2010. Applicants will be notified of the outcome in April 2011. For more information, visit or email


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